Eaquals sponsors the IHL Future of Training conference
The Future of Training
The IHL Future of Training Conference took place at International House London on Friday 23 November and Saturday 24 November. It was a highly successful, sold out event, gathering over 150 attendees from all over the ELT teaching and teacher training world. Delegates came from as far away as Russia, Egypt, Romania, Ukraine, Portugal, Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic, as well as from across the UK.
The conference was opened by Brita Haycraft, the co-founder of International House, who took us back to our roots in her description of how the original 4 week course came about. The conference began by listening to the views of teachers about the impact of their training at the different stages in their career. The audience then had the opportunity to raise some critical questions from their discussions which carried forward throughout the conference. The second day included plenaries by Danny Norrington-Davies and Gabriel Diaz Maggioli, plenty of workshops and talks from some inspiring names in the industry, networking opportunities and a closing Q&A closing panel of Adrian Underhill, Fiona Dunlop, Jason Anderson and Marie Willoughby, chaired by Gabriel Diaz Maggioli. “We aren’t going to reinvent the wheel,” Danny says in his witty and inspiring opening talk, “but we will see what we can do with the wheel.”
The conference was generously sponsored by Eaquals.
This exciting and unique event gave both speakers and delegates the opportunity to evaluate existing training paradigms and consider how, and why, we could reconsider these to ensure our training programmes are ‘fit for purpose’ for the future. As Gabriel Diaz Maggioli said in his plenary, ‘We need to decide which of the baby and of the bathwater we want to keep. Two of the many takeaways from the conference were that the shift in candidature requires reflection frameworks on trainer and trainee beliefs’ and that the future of training could be core teaching methodologies blended with contextual demands.
Get a better insight into our conference through our collection of tweets (https://wakelet.com/wake/ccccc8e0-2f93-48b3-bdd2-06d1f95da3fb)
International House London will be posting blogs following up on the conference as well as hosting the first in a series of post-conference conversations. The first is with Jacqueline Douglas on Thursday 24 January 2019 between 5pm and 7pm.
For more information on our January conference and to keep up with the latest news on teacher training please email conference@ihlondon.com