New Eaquals Associate Member: PLUSED
New Associate Member:
Associate members bring a wealth of professional expertise to our network and today we are pleased to welcome an additional member to the Eaquals family – PLUSED.
Who are PLUSED?
PLUSED, based in Istanbul Turkiye, has been providing online language assessment and learning solutions internationally for over two decades. Their mission is ‘to enhance the quality and equality in education by providing reliable and valid evaluations, research and relevant services. Their products and services measure the knowledge and skills of learners around the world, and support the vocational development within education.’
They offer examinations at all CEFR levels starting from A1 to C2. These exams have been taken by more than 700,000 test-takers in thousands of institutions around the world. Moreover, they develop, deliver, and evaluate language assessments in all skills. Recently, they have also added French, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish to their portfolio.
PLUSED provide educational institutions immediate access to comprehensive language assessment solutions using their hardware and software. Their team of experts analyse and monitor all the data and outcomes to improve learner practices and continually upgrade assessments. They also offer tailored teacher training certifications.
Why did PLUSED join Eaquals?
Managing Director, Fatih Ceylan said that ‘as a premium provider of online assessment solutions, we wish to associate ourselves with like-minded professional bodies in order to facilitate a two-way information flow with the aim of improving our products for the general good of students and schools alike.’