Member Event Fund – Trinity College London
‘The filming went well and the edits have successfully created 12 videos that will support teachers’ development in assessment literacy. These have been designed to support in-service CPD and will be supplemented with guiding worksheets to scaffold learning.’
Between March and June 2017 12 videos on the topic of ‘an introduction to assessment literacy’ were filmed at the Trinity College offices in London. These videos were planned to meet the growing need to help teachers build their assessment literacy and cover an introduction to areas including ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’ and ‘Affective Filters’ in assessment. The planning for these videos stemmed from four pilot videos on assessment literacy used as part of the IATEFL TEA-SIG conference in Aigle in October 2016, with the videos being created as a suggestion for one way in which teachers’ knowledge around assessment literacy could be developed. Feedback from the conference was positive and, in consultation with conference participants, we arrived at the following 12 areas for filming:
1. What is assessment literacy?
2. Types of assessment
3. Constructive alignment
4. Classroom assessments
5. Assessment considerations
6. Bloom’s taxonomy in assessments
7. Washback in assessment
8. Affective filters
9. Progress testing
10. Diagnostic assessment
11. Graded Spoken Exams in English
12. Integrated Skills in English
As well as the topics, conference participants suggested that the ideas could suggest further reading to help guide teachers beyond these introductory videos.
Designed to be used as short clips or whole videos for in-house CPD sessions, each video lasts between 10 and 18 minutes and is broken down into five discreet sections (except Video 5, which has four sections), each with a time signature at the beginning of the video to enable teachers or training managers to focus quickly and easily on an area within the chosen topic. For example, the ‘Classroom Assessments video’ contains the following five sections:
1. Classroom assessment overview (00:09)
2. Types of assessment (01:30)
3. End of class summative assessment (06:26)
4. Peer assessment (07:52)
5. Self-assessment (11:48)
Throughout all of this, the EAQUALS funding and support has been helpful in creating and publicising these videos, videos which we hope will help teachers build a greater understanding of assessment literacy and its role in education.
Click here to visit Trinity College London’s Youtube and watch the videos.