Eaquals works in partnership with leading national and international education organisations which share our commitment to quality
Strategic Partners
Eaquals works in partnership with leading national and international education organisations which share our commitment to quality and high standards. We are proud of these partnerships as together we work to promote the quality of language education at international level.
The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE)
The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Eaquals and ALTE have a Memorandum of Understanding and together produced the Eaquals-ALTE European Language Portfolio (ELP) and the first electronic portfolio to be accredited by the Council of Europe eelp.org
CercleS (the European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education)
CercleS brings together associations representing university Language Centres and Departments, in 22 countries and is committed to the highest standards in language education and research. Eaquals and CercleS have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in order to support language learning in higher education.
The Council of Europe
Eaquals has participatory status with the Council of Europe and advises on language issues as an NGO. We have worked closely with the Language Policy Unit on developments related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEFR) and language provision for adult migrants.
The European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML), Graz
Eaquals is a member of the ECML’s Professional Network Forum and advises on matters related to language education in general and quality assurance in particular. Eaquals representatives have played a key role in ECML projects, most recently on quality in language provision for adult migrants.
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)
Eaquals has liaison status with two ISO technical committees, ISO/TC 176, which is responsible for ISO 9001 and related management system standards, and ISO/TC 232, which has developed various standards for education and training. These include ISO 21001:2018 Educational organizations — Management systems for educational organizations — Requirements with guidance for use. This management system standard is closely aligned with ISO 9001 but specifically tailored to the needs of educational organisations.
Japan Association for Management of Training and Education (JAMOTE)
Eaquals and JAMOTE have worked closely together on the development of a new ISO standard for providers of learning services in the non-formal sector and have co-operated to run several seminars in Japan on quality assurance in education and training.
The International Forum for the Certification of Educational Services (IFCES)
IFCES was founded in 2011 by an international group of organisations, led by JAMOTE and Eaquals. Its purpose is to create new and better means of carrying out conformity assessment in the educational sector.
National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)
NEAS is the Australian English Language Training (ELT) accreditation scheme which accredits ELT centres in private and public universities, vocational colleges and schools as well as private centres. Eaquals and NEAS have a Memorandum of Understanding.
British Accreditation Council (BAC)
The BAC has been accrediting independent further and higher education institutions for over 30 years, and has considerable expertise in setting standards for educational disciplines other than languages. The BAC and Eaquals have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, acknowledging our shared interest and mission in enhancing quality in international education services.
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ENQA
ENQA is an umbrella organisation which represents quality assurance organisations from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) member states. ENQA promotes European co-operation in the field of quality assurance in higher education and disseminates information and expertise among its members and towards stakeholders in order to develop and share good practice and to foster the European dimension of quality assurance. Eaquals are affiliate members of ENQA.
Aqueduto evaluates blended and online training courses against a quality assurance framework and we are very much looking forward to working with them on future projects.
BALEAP is the global forum for EAP professionals. BALEAP supports the professional development of those involved in learning, teaching, scholarship and research in EAP.
GSS (Green Standard Schools)
GSS is committed to working towards the enhancement of quality in environmental standards in the field of international education services.