
Resources and Webinars for Online Teaching and Learning

A summary of useful resources.

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Eaquals presents webinars focussed on delivering online teaching

To help #eaqualsmembers and #eaqualsfamily adjust to these fast-changing circumstances, Eaquals offered a series of webinars focussed on delivering language teaching online. These webinars are available to both members and non-members.

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New Publication: Language Education in a Changing World

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Language Education in a Changing World – Challenges and Opportunities is the title of a new book by Rod Bolitho and Richard Rossner.

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Global survey for English language teachers: how far does published research matter to you, and why (or why not)?

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In conjunction with the British Council, Northumbria University (UK) has recently launched a survey for all English language teachers, teacher trainers and other ELT professionals.

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Conference Report – Teaching and Learning with the Help of Technology

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Timothy Black represented Eaquals at the event.

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