Eaquals is a world leader in accreditation for language teaching organisations and our accreditation is the gold standard for language centres and a highly-respected badge of excellence. Eaquals has been accrediting quality language education since its foundation in 1991. The Eaquals Inspection Scheme has been successfully applied hundreds of times, and has been refined to ensure that it is thorough, practical and fair. Eaquals accreditation is designed to be relevant to all types of language teaching organisations and applies to the teaching of all languages. We accredit both private and state-run centres and we operate in any country.
Eaquals runs three inspection schemes:
The Eaquals Inspection Scheme for Language Centres Version 7.3 is aimed at language schools, foreign language departments of mainstream education schools and corporate training centres.
The Eaquals Inspection Scheme for Higher Education Version 7.3 is designed to accredit university language centres and language departments which offer language training programmes to undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.
The Eaquals Inspection Scheme for Online Providers Version 7.3 is addressed at language centres which offer online language training programmes delivered synchronously, asynchronously or both. Language courses offered by Online Providers must include a significant proportion of tutor moderation and student interaction in addition to online content. The Scheme does not apply to language centres which offer face-to-face tuition in addition to online or blended courses. They are accredited under 7.3 Version of the Inspection Scheme.
The Eaquals Inspection Schemes
The Inspection Scheme is based on transparent Quality Standards derived from the Charters and on a principled and effective methodology
Benefits of Eaquals Accreditation
Eaquals Accreditation is a blueprint for institutional development
Accreditation step by step
Eaquals offers advice and support to language centres preparing for their first inspection
Application Process
Eaquals invites applications from all types of languages teaching organisations
Eaquals Accreditation Fees
Accreditation fees include Eaquals advisory services and first inspections
Eaquals Membership Fees
Membership fees are related to the size of the language centre
Advisory Guide to Accreditation
The Guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for applicant institutions
Frequently Asked Questions
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