Application Process
Who can apply
Eaquals accreditation is designed to be relevant to all types of language teaching organisations and applies to the teaching of all languages. Eaquals runs three inspection schemes, operates in any country and accredits a wide range of language centres both private and state-run:
- language schools
- corporate training centres
- university language centres
- foreign language departments of mainstream education schools
- providers of online programmes
The first inspection of a language centre can be organised after the centre has been offering language services for a minimum of 24 months. The period is shorter for members of groups of schools if at least one member of the group is already accredited by Eaquals. It is 6 or 12 months on depending on whether the group has a centralised management and academic systems
Make an Enquiry
We encourage institutions considering applying for Eaquals accreditation to submit the Enquiry Form. Our Services Manager will provide initial information and put you in direct contact with our Director of Accreditation who will advise you on how to prepare for the inspection, discuss possible preparation scenarios, answer your questions in detail and arrange an Advisory Visit.
Click here to apply for an Advisory Visit
Apply for an Inspection
Once you have spoken to our Director of Accreditation and you are ready to apply for the first inspection, please submit an Application Form. The information you provide will help us to set up the inspection.
Click here to apply for an Inspection
Application step by step:
- The language centre submits an application form totheEaquals
- At the same time, it sends the signed Declaration of Statutory Compliance together with the following documents:
- a document confirming registration of the language centre as a company and/or as a school
- the language centre’s insurance certifiate
- a document confirming compliance with copyright laws
- The Secretariat and the language centre agree on the date of the inspection and the language centre approves the choice of
- The Secretariat issues confirmation of the inspection and sends the following documents to the language centre:
- The Eaquals Inspection Scheme Manual
- The Guide for Language Centres
- the List of Advance Documents for Eaquals Inspections
The Eaquals Advisory Guide to Accreditation: The Scheme for Higher Education Institutions 7.3
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The Eaquals Advisory Guide to Accreditation – Online Scheme 7.3
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