The Eaquals Inspection Schemes
The Eaquals Inspection Scheme is based on a principled and effective methodology, which combines direct observation of all aspects of the language centre’s activities with inspection of documentation and other evidence.
Eaquals inspections can be conducted in three formats a site visit, a blended inspection combining a site visit and an inspection online and an online inspection. Eaquals inspections are conducted by 2 inspectors and they generally last 2 days (3-4 days in the case of larger centres).
Inspectors look for evidence that all services provided by the language centre meet the Eaquals Quality Standards and verify that all the promises made to students, staff and other stakeholders are respected. The Scope of the Inspection – Find out more below.
Eaquals inspectors are expert practitioners with considerable experience in language centre management. Before being appointed they undergo training and must demonstrate a good knowledge of the Eaquals Inspection Scheme together with the capacity to objectively evaluate a language centre’s performance against the Quality Standards. They are required to comply with the professional Code of Conduct, follow the established inspection procedures and respect the Scheme’s principles.
The Scope of the Inspection
The Inspection Scheme Version 7.3
For language schools, foreign language departments of mainstream education schools and corporate training centres
The Inspection Scheme for Higher Education Institutions
For university language centres and language departments offering language training programmes
The Inspection Scheme for Online Providers
For language centres offering online language training programmes only