The Inspection Scheme for Higher Education Institutions

The Scheme is targeted at language centres, foreign language departments and schools of foreign languages at universities where completion of language programmes is a requirement for graduation as well as at English as a Medium of Instruction universities which run foundation programmes. Eaquals accreditation applies to the university language centre not the wider institution and inspectors check if the language programmes and other services provided by the language centre meet the Eaquals Quality Standards. During the course of the inspection inspectors:

  • hold meetings with management and academic managers of the centre
  • meet focus groups of students and teachers
  • interview members of staff
  • observe a representative selection of the teaching
  • check that academic management and administrative systems work in practice
  • check key documentation – including material stored online
  • inspect premises used by the language centre and its resources

A. Institutional Management and Governance
1. Management and Administration
2. Quality Assurance
3. Communication with Staff
4. Communication with Students and Other Stakeholders

C. Student Services
9. Student Services

D. Staff
10. Staff Profile and Development
11. Staff Employment Terms

B. Academic Management
5. Course Design and Supporting Systems
6. Teaching and Learning
7. Assessment and Certification
8. Academic Resources

E. Learning Environment and Facilities
12. Learning Environment

Find out more

The Eaquals Advisory Guide to Accreditation: The Scheme for Higher Education InstitutionsThe Eaquals Advisory Guide to Accreditation HEI 7.3