Thom Kiddle & Peter Brown
Thom Kiddle | Thom Kiddle is Director of Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) responsible for strategic and organisational management, and training and consultancy in a range of areas including testing and assessment, learning technologies, materials development and language teaching methodology. He has a Master’s degree in Language Testing from Lancaster University and the Cambridge Delta. Thom is also treasurer and founding director of AQUEDUTO – the Association for Quality Education and Training Online; webmaster for the Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group of IATEFL; and Vice Chair of the Eaquals Board of Trustees.
Peter Brown | Peter Brown considers himself primarily to be a teacher. He is the Founder Chair of EAQUALS and has been on its Board since its inception in Trieste in 1991. He is also the Founder Chair of AISLi (l’Assocazione Italiana di Scuole di Lingua) the Italian quality association of language schools, which he co-founded in 1979. With Frank Heyworth he wrote the Council of Europe’s Guide to Quality in Language Education. Apart from being a frequent speaker at conferences on a wide range of humanistic and scientific topics, he is also an educational and scientific consultant to international inter-governmental organisations.