In this webinar we will address the question of how we can use multimedia context and activities, specifically authentic videos at a range of language levels, to engage, inspire and develop our learners’ language, communication and soft skills. Using professionally-produced short video extracts with topics exploring diversity and sustainability among others, we will look at how this rich resource can be explored and exploited by the teacher. Thom Kiddle will showcase the use of the Ready to Run video collection in NILE’s online platforms, using video as the core content for a tutor-led, interactive, co-constructed asynchronous approach to language learning. Elena Deleyto will show how a very simple interactive learning structure can provide the means for autonomous video-based learning. We will also have a glimpse into the future of how video content will potentially transform language learning online in large-scale developing contexts, and the implications for Eaquals members in terms of preserving and creating their USPs in the digital learning world.