Eaquals News

Celebrate the European Day of Languages 2019 with Eaquals

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Eaquals is looking forward to participating in the European Day of Languages and connecting with all of our international members to celebrate all of the languages we use.

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The English Language Institute (ELI) at King Abdulaziz University, second annual ELT symposium

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The English Language Institute (ELI) at King Abdulaziz University held its second annual ELT symposium May 1st and 2nd in the coastal city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia.

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Macmillan Education, Quality in Language Provision

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Macmillan Education Southern Europe invited directors of language schools of higher educations both from Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus for a 2-day event where the new collaboration with EAQUALS was announced.

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Take part in the 2019 Eaquals Summer Campaign!

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Exclusive Position Paper Preview – OUP

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Eaquals members receive exclusive preview of Oxford University Press’ new position paper on Assessment for Learning.

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