Eaquals members

Welcoming BELS Malta to the Eaquals Family

BELS Malta, with 25 years of language education expertise, joins Eaquals. Committed to high standards and offering diverse programs, BELS fosters comprehensive language immersion for thriving students in a supportive environment.

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New Eaquals Accredited Member: Seda College Cork

SEDA College Cork earns prestigious Eaquals Accreditation, reinforcing their dedication to quality language education.

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New Eaquals Accredited Member: Bilkent University English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP)

We are delighted to welcome Bilkent University English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP) to the ever-growing Eaquals family.

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The 2024 winner of the Eaquals Teacher Award

A teacher’s passion and dedication are unparalleled. That's why Eaquals celebrates these exceptional individuals with an award, and we're delighted to announce that Mohsen Askari, is this year's recipient of the Eaquals Teacher Award 2024.

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New Eaquals Accredited Member: Gazi University College of Foreign Languages: Department of Basic Languages

We are delighted to welcome Gazi University College of Foreign Languages: Department of Basic Languages to the ever-growing Eaquals family.

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